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In April 2014, I mentioned the creative aspects behind the cover art for our novella, Genesis: Call Sign: Wrecking Crew Slice of Life .   ...

Video courtesy of @jcallenbooks

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Location, location, location

It seems the other important thing that a self-publishing author needs to remember is that the location of where they write is not as important as the place it receives in the favorites' line-up.  Dead last is not anywhere that anyone wants to be. So it pays to advertise.

One way is to have a website (if you can manage it yourself all the better).  With the website, it is all about the design and the Meta-tags. Meta-tags contain key phrases and words that relate to your website and product.   It's your meta-tags that help you crawl up the Search Engine ladder.  I recently learned that the search engines themselves update at varying rates so do not expect it to climb up overnight or even over a week. 

Obviously, blogging is another way.  If you can find a like-minded community that shares your interests or at least the main theme of your book, then you can possibly network to learn more ways to get noticed.

Business cards are another way to get the message out...beware though of what you put on the cards.  For example, if you cold card someone (give cards out without explanation), they might think that Call Sign Wrecking Crew, LLC is an actual Wrecking Crew and not a company for Self-published authors.  Yes, you guessed it we had to do a reprint and boy does it look tons better than the original.

Well that's all for today.  Please stay tuned for more helpful insights!

Lynn Hallbrooks
Co-author: Call Sign: Wrecking Crew * Storm Warning
Co-owner: Call Sign Wrecking Crew, LLC


  1. Yes, this is very helpful information. Thanks, keep up the good work!

  2. I'm so glad that you think so. Have a great day!
